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How Tribepad is helping during Covid-19

Tags: Recruitment Marketing

Our company ethos is ‘people first, product second and profit third’, so during the start of the Covid-19 crisis we had a think about how we could be helping people at this awful time.

The first thing we did was think about our teams, and make sure they could stay strong. Giving them the tools and process to stay positive and connected. Then some of our clients got extremely busy! (see below). After that, we started to identify opportunities where our software could help people organise volunteers and helping people who’d lost their jobs during Covid-19.

As the crisis has developed we’ve worked in partnership with our clients to help them respond to challenges and opportunities too. And we’re finding more opportunities all the time.

Big job cuts and a surge in applications

When the pandemic first hit some organisations stopped advertising new roles. But certain sectors, specifically food retail, went absolutely crazy. In a single week, we processed one million job applications for Tesco which resulted in them hiring 45,000 additional staff. We’ve written about this surge in applications in more detail which you can see in the chart below.

Something we’re really proud of is that we helped deliver a great recruitment experience for our client during this extremely difficult time. Comments from delighted candidates were not uncommon!

Keeping Team Tribepad strong

As the Covid-19 crisis hit, we were able to mobilise our team to work fully from home very quickly. But we also thought about what else our team would need to stay healthy, happy and productive. So our CEO wrote an internal memo to our team, which got some really positive feedback. Dean continues to update the team with what’s happening every week, in addition to our monthly ‘town hall’ meetings (now held on Zoom of course).

“We operate the business with the following in mind “People First, Product Second & Profits Third” and I won’t ever change that.” Dean Sadler, CEO Tribepad.

Using our tech to help those in need

In a downturn, recruitment is pretty much always the first thing to get the chop! So we wanted to help connect those recruiters with people that needed their skills. Find out more in our Linkedin post

Tribepad is based in Sheffield, UK, so it made perfect sense to design a solution for Voluntary Action Sheffield when we heard they needed help to organise over 1,000 new volunteers and get them into 25 partner organisations, the council and NHS. VAS is coordinating efforts to deliver food, collect medication and generally help those in need. Find out more in our LinkedIn post.

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