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Why we don’t offer a free trial

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We don’t offer a free trial for our ATS. Here’s why.

In the SaaS world, offering a free product trial is gospel. Many applicant tracking systems come with a ‘try before you buy’ option. 

The theory is, customers do tonnes of research about potential solutions, so you’re approaching SaaS vendors as a better educated, more mature buyer. The next logical step is trying the product for yourself: enter the free trial. 

Except, there are some really good reasons we don’t offer a free trial of the Tribepad ATS. It’s not good for us, but more importantly it’s not good for you.

Here’s why. 

Free trials are great to explore basic, generic products…

Let’s talk about what you need. 

At root, that’s pretty simple. You need a solution that meets your needs. Solves your problems. In the context of an ATS, your must-have feature list probably looks something like this:

  • Creates jobs and posts to job boards
  • Includes vacancy approval workflows
  • Supports mobile applications 
  • Includes email templates and automation
  • Allows advanced candidate search
  • Allows pre-screening and background checks 
  • Allows assessments and testing 
  • Enables interview feedback
  • Includes dashboard to show progress
  • Has analytics and reporting functionality 

But that’s a basic, generic list of requirements for any applicant tracking system. And that’s the problem. 

For some businesses, a simple one-size-fits-all platform is good enough. If that’s you, you’re in a great position to buy a simple, generic ATS (and you can almost always get a free trial first). 

For many businesses though, your recruitment processes aren’t simple and aren’t the same as everyone else’s. When you’re a large business, you’re managing large-scale recruitment. It’s inherently complex. 

…but not if your recruitment processes look more like this.

You need to create different types of jobs, in different business units, in different ways. Different people need to approve different roles, on a case-by-case basis. You need to interview in different ways for different positions against different criteria. 

Sometimes at vast scale, across many offices locally or globally. And you need all candidates for all roles to have a consistent, branded experience. 

And hey, to add even more complexity, those processes often evolve almost constantly to meet strategic goals (like increasing diversity, or decreasing hiring costs, or accelerating time-to-hire, or improving quality-of-hire). 

If your recruitment looks more like that, a basic, generic applicant tracking system doesn’t cut the mustard. 

You need an ATS that can accommodate extreme complexity and scale as your needs change. An ATS that’s tailored to your unique processes, to help your people work together in the most efficient, effective way. An ATS that works around you, not the other way around. 

And through all that, you also need absolute confidence your data is secure, reliable and accessible to the right people, at the right times. Even when you’re moving loads of data around, from loads of places, at scale.  

See the problem?

When you need those things, you need an ATS that’s so configurable it feels bespoke. And that means a free trial isn’t feasible. It’d be like expecting a tailor to stitch you a made-to-measure suit just to try on. And if tailoring metrics are anything like SaaS metrics, 75% would try but not buy. 

Nobody’d stay in business long, following that model. So here’s what we do instead. 

What we offer instead

We know you’ll struggle to choose recruitment software without looking under the hood. We can’t wait to show you – but ‘under the hood’ looks different for every business we work with. 

That means we need to chat about your needs, processes and current set-up – then one of our product specialists can give you a guided tour tailored to you. 

That might feel like a bigger step than a self-service demo or free trial but it’s the only way you’ll see how powerful the Tribepad ATS can be for your needs. 

We’ve very rarely found we’re not able to offer what you need but if we can’t, we’re scrupulously honest. We have absolutely zero interest in securing new customers for new customers’ sake. We want customers who’ll genuinely see explosive value using Tribepad. Not least because our reputation rests on it.

If you need more convincing before chatting to us, case studies from our current customers are your best port of call. Like this video from KFC:

You can watch all our video testimonials here and check out our case studies here. They’ll give you a sense of what our recruitment software can do, however complex your business and recruitment processes.

Then book a call with our product specialists to see if there could be value in continuing the conversation. If there’s not, we’ll tell you. If there is, we’ll show you how to achieve faster, better, more affordable recruitment. BOOK HERE. 

Tribepad offer exceptionally feature-rich recruitment software that’s scalable, configurable and comes with robust support. If you want to streamline complexity in your recruitment processes, we’d love to chat.

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