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Feature Release 1

Here's your quarterly roundup of Tribepad's latest features and how to start using them.

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Image of a woman smiling looking down at her phone

Watch along as we run through all the features listed below.

Free Feature

Your candidates can now record their chosen pronouns during the application process, so you can address them correctly. (If you’re using Anonymous Applications, this’ll also be anonymised).

Our customers are making great strides on diversity and inclusion – and this is another step in the right direction. Let candidates know you’re committed to creating a safe, inclusive space for everyone, from the moment they apply.

A small thing that matters.

Add Pronouns

Free Feature

Instead of creating a job ad by completing lots of individual sections, we’ve added a single box with better editing tools. So you can make job ads look just how you want them 👌🏻

Stand out from the crowd and communicate a consistent employer brand from jobseekers’ first touchpoint onwards – for more, better quality applicants who know exactly what you stand for.

I want better editing

Paid Feature

In a talent-short, competitor-heavy market, you need an assessment process that quickly and reliably highlights your superstars – while delivering an experience that candidates genuinely enjoy and learn from.

That’s where Arctic Shores come in. We’re super excited that Tribepad now integrates seamlessly with Arctic Shores, offering a task-based assessment that’s scientifically proven to reveal every candidate’s potential.

Look beyond the outdated CV and you can see results like a 40% improvement in candidate calibre, an average 26% reduction in recruitment costs, and a more diverse talent pool (with one of their customers achieving gender parity in one recruitment cycle)!

If you haven’t already, this market-leading, task-based assessment is a tool to add to your recruitment stack.

Show me Arctic Shores

Paid Feature

Tribepad now integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams. Candidates can self-book interviews as normal based on your calendar availability, then invitations will automatically populate with the right Teams link without you doing anything manually.

Effortless is just how we roll 😎.

Drop your details below and your Account Manager will be in touch with more info.

We want this!

Free Feature

Until now, you’ve either been able to anonymise applications fully or not. Instead you can now create bespoke anonymisation policies through Manage, to anonymise/unanonymise specific info for different jobs.

Perhaps you need to see details of past employers for some roles but not others, for example.

Put your best foot forwards on ED&I, whatever your hiring requirements.

Sounds great sign me up

Free Feature

Super Users can now easily create Onboarding checklists for recruiters, depending on which workflows you care about for each Onboarding package.

Specify the workflows you want and which ones need recruiter approval, like checking passports or compliance docs. Recruiters then see an interactive traffic light checklist next to each candidate, with smart automation when more action’s needed.

Who asked for faster, easier onboarding?!

Let's go!

And that's just the big stuff.

We’ve got a whole bunch of other updates this quarter for you to take a look at.

Dive in

Your exclusive 1-week free trial awaits

If you hadn’t already heard, we’ve integrated with CV-Library to help you find the best talent more effectively!

Hire Smarter. Onboard Faster.

Leverage data + tech + experience to expedite more confident hiring decisions.

Right to Work checks: as easy as 1-2-3

Quick and easy Home Office compliant digital Right to Work checks by a certified Identity Service Provider.

And that’s us, over and out for now.

As ever, grab your account manager if there’s anything you can’t do, don’t have, or want to discuss. Otherwise we’ll be back with your next feature release in a few months’ time.

Contact us
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