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Meet Sophie Bradbury, Marketing Executive at Tribepad

Tags: PR and News

There is a fantastic team behind our recruitment software and we’d like to introduce another member to you in this post. Sophie Bradbury is a Marketing Executive who is full of creativity, which she’s been busy bringing to her role since she joined us around eight months ago. To learn more about who she is and what she does, we asked Sophie a few questions.

What’s your role at Tribepad?

As a Marketing Executive, I help support the marketing team and do anything and everything I can to get Tribepad’s name out there. That includes managing social media, organising events and creating collateral such as brochures.

As well as this, I enjoy organising all of the fun social stuff that the Tribepad team gets up to, such as our recent trip to Brussels, Christmas parties and Cheltenham Races.

What’s your background and what made you want to join the Tribepad team?

After completing my law degree, I worked on some of the biggest inquests in British legal history. I realised that law wasn’t for me long-term though, as I wanted to go into something a little bit more creative, but at the same time putting into practice some of the skills I’d learnt, along with my love of organising things.

Tribepad suited me perfectly. I’d never experienced the freedom that I have here to voice my opinion and suggest ideas for new projects. It’s great to be able to put some of those into practice and be innovative with how we try and reach our clients.

What are you currently working on?

The biggest project I’ve had so far has been the company brochure, which has been a mammoth task to get right. This was mainly because I had to get to grips with the different products and services that Tribepad offered very quickly, as well as ensuring the tone of voice and target audience was correct.  

I’ve also just started a big public sector marketing campaign using feedback from some of the councils that we are working with to create useful material such as a sector specific guide. The purpose of this campaign is to help totally transform recruitment in local government, keeping it up to date and allowing the public sector to compete successfully against the private sector for diminishing talent.

There are lots of events coming up that I’ve been helping to organise, including the In-house Recruitment Network Bristol event and Tribepad’s own Client Forum. Last year, we heard great presentations from Sodexo, Indeed and the FIRM and this year I’ve been involved in getting more speakers lined up including individuals from the BBC, Verifile and one of the UK’s leading commentators on technology and tomorrow,  Tom Cheesewright.

What’s your biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge so far has been getting to grips with marketing theory, having come from a completely different background. I know that this will get easier once I start my marketing diploma in March. That said, the team has been so helpful and working on so many different projects has helped me gain vital experience. The main thing I’m looking forward to about the course is having further knowledge from which to draw from for each marketing activity I start in the future, and coming back to work with a tonne of new ideas to implement.

Do you have a favourite Tribepad feature?

Seeing the analysis from the Video Interviewing platform for me, first hand whilst testing it, was a wow moment. The fact that it can analyse whether someone would make a good candidate, just through their word choices, is pretty incredible. I also love the idea that this could really save companies and candidates so much time and money.

From a candidate perspective, the idea that you can just record an interview at your convenience is a no-brainer. It also opens up opportunities for those people who may not be able to travel to an in-person interview.

What do you get up to outside of work?

I absolutely love travelling. This time last year I was backpacking my way from Mexico to Colombia, hiking up active volcanoes and swimming with sharks. So far this year, I’ve been to Los Angeles and San Diego and have an upcoming trip planned to Marrakech, where I’ll be staying in the Atlas mountains with some local families.

I’m trying to get to see as many countries and cultures as I can and have a rule that I can’t go back to the same place twice. I’m currently 35 countries down and counting! I also enjoy going to the gym and for long walks in the countryside with my dogs, as well as galavanting around different UK cities with friends, shopping and enjoying the odd glass of prosecco! I’m aiming to make the most out of living in the Peak District before I move house soon.

Meet the rest of the team

Want to meet more of the Tribepad team? You can read some of our previous interviews too to learn more about us.  

Don’t forget, you can also visit our team page and even go back in time to find out more about the company’s story.

Learn more about Tribepad

Tribepad ATS is an award-winning, mobile-first applicant tracking system used by some of the biggest organisations in the world. You can contact us today to find out more.


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