Save yourself hundreds if not thousands of pounds with SMS interview reminders.
Waste no more time or money with telephone calls to candidates only to have them reject a call from an unknown number.
Ensure that you achieve a higher candidate attendance rate by doing as much as you can to prevent those frustrating no-shows!
Avoid wasting time, resources and money booking meeting rooms, by sending SMS interview reminders to your candidates.
The vast majority of people own or use mobile phones to communicate, so why wouldn’t recruiters make use of this technology to engage with their talent? Mobile phones are used for pretty much everything these days. They are the alarm that wakes us up in the morning, the calendar for our events and the music in our ears. They are in our hands, on our desks, in our bags and on our person every…single…day.
If you’ve got an ATS, then most certainly, a candidate has given you their telephone number as it’s a required field. SMS reminders are guaranteed to be seen and read by candidates. Making use of SMS to communicate candidate interview information is a key part of the recruitment process. It’s an instant way of reaching a candidate without any costly telephone calls, voicemails and recruiter time.
99% of candidates who receive your text reminder will open this, in comparison to email reminders, with a much lower open rate.
If an SMS costs just 5p, you can contact 500 candidates for just £25.00. If a candidate then cancels their interview slot, you’ve saved money on the cost of a meeting room, refreshments and recruiter time. You can then remove the applicant from the hiring process and spend time on the candidates who really want a position in your company.
Save time and money with SMS interview reminders
When you ring a candidate to remind them about an interview, you:
1) pick up the phone and dial the number
2) listen to the dial tone for 10 seconds
3) if the candidate answers you then have at least a minute conversations with them
4) and if they don’t answer, then you leave a voicemail but never really know if they’ve answered it.
5) Then you have to repeat this for each individual candidate. How many are you interviewing? 10? 20? 100?
All that time spent calling candidates with many calls unanswered. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just send an automated text message? You know that this will be read by the candidate.
Send automated SMS interview reminders 24 hours before a candidate’s interview takes place. A recruiter has the ability to choose whether this feature is on for each individual role at the job creation or job template stage. The feature will be automatically turned on by default, to ensure that savings are made in resources and recruiter time.
When a candidate receives the message, it will show in their list of messages as being sent from your brand, or the brand they applied to. It’ll remind them of the date, time and place of their interview plus who they’ll be meeting for the interview.
If your ATS supports multiple brands, the ATS will be able to differentiate between the different brands, plus the different region.
The recruiter has the ability to ensure that SMS messages have been sent to all applicants in the candidate activity tab.
Benefits of SMS interview reminders
An improvement in conversion rates- A Hiring Manager could notice an improvement in interview attendance statistics plus a decrease in drop offs.
A reduction in resourcing and recruiter costs- The company could notice that as more candidates confirm or decline their interview slot, more recruiter time will be saved, meeting room hire lengths reduced therefore the potential to save significant costs. In addition to this, if the candidate confirms that they won’t be attending the interview and does not wish to re-arrange, the more time is saved when processing candidates.
An improved chance of finding the right talent- With SMS interview reminders, those candidates who weren’t too serious about the position are more likely to inform the recruiter of their non-attendance. Therefore, the recruiter has the potential to interview more candidates who are serious about the vacancy
An improvement in engagement and user journey- When your candidates hear from you, it adds to their feeling engaged with your brand, therefore enhancing their experience and positivity about working for you, whether or not they’re successful after interview, they’ll feel more trust from your communications and will be more likely to recommend you to their network, and apply again in the future
See below for a step by step guide of how to send SMS Interview Reminders.
A) At the Job Editor stage, check to see if the ‘Enable SMS notifications’ has been ticked. This is automatically turned on my default. If ticked, an SMS will be sent instantly to any candidate who is invited to an interview. All candidates that are confirmed for a slot will receive an SMS reminder 24 hours before the interview. If the interview is within the next 24 hours, an SMS reminder will be automatically sent instantly. This feature is also available on job templates and can be locked if required.
B) The Hiring Manager will see confirmation in the candidate tools tab that an SMS Interview Reminder has been sent to a candidate. A candidate will receive an SMS Interview Reminder to their mobile device 24 hours before the interview unless the interview was booked less than 24 hours before the interview, in which case they will receive this straight away.
C) A candidate will receive an SMS Interview Reminder to their mobile device 24 hours before the interview, unless the interview was booked less than 24 hours before the interview.