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Employer branding on a budget

Tags: Employer Brand, Recruitment Marketing

A budget. That’s exactly what you need if you really want to make something meaningful out of your employer branding. And if you don’t have a budget, or a strategy for a budget, why would your employer grant you that money in the first place? They need to know that you’re more than capable of converting the costs into more value for the company.

In essence, employer branding is marketing and communication activities used to make your candidates aware of your company as a potential place for them to work at. And within these activities, you need to give them reasons to fall in love with your company. If you can find candidates who are emotionally connected with the benefits and potential positive impact of being part of your company, they will want to apply for a position and hopefully have a career with you.

In this webinar, we’ll talk about what you need to get started, and how to knock down those barriers to ensure you get your budget for employer branding. Employer branding isn’t just a project or campaign, it’s a journey. One that you’ll need adequate budget for and resources.

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