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How an ATS Can Help You Find the Best Talent in the Media Industry

Tags: Candidate Experience, Employer Brand, Recruitment Marketing

The media industry is an incredibly sought-after industry to work in; recruiters have quite a job on their hands sifting through applications to find the best talent.

On average, there are 250 job applications for each job opening, which means that recruitment teams need to be at the top of their game to find that perfect candidate

Having the right recruitment processes and systems in place are essential if you really want to get your ad out there, attract the right applications, and hire the right candidates. Want to hire the best talent in the media industry? You need an Applicant Tracking System.

What is an Applicant Tracking System?

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a platform that helps recruitment teams to attract, engage, and hire the best talent directly. The Tribepad ATS is the most powerful tool on the market that redefines the traditional recruitment process and allows you to completely manage end-to-end recruitment in one place.

So, how can an ATS help you find the best talent in the media industry?

You can conduct video interviews.

Don’t get me wrong, CVs are great. They give a succinct overview of a candidate’s skills and experience. The problem is, CVs don’t really get you any insight into a candidate’s personality, something that is pretty key to hiring the right person in the media industry. An ATS that has video interviewing functionality will give your recruitment teams insight into a candidate’s personality at an earlier stage in the recruitment process than a traditional interview.

Let’s say you’re hiring for a TV presenting role; you could ask a candidate to submit a video talking about a particular topic, or even give them a news story to report on. This way, you can see the candidate’s skills for yourself upfront and also give the candidate the chance to show you what they can do. Your recruitment teams can then filter out the candidates with the personality and presenting skills of a cardboard box before you spend time progressing them through the recruitment pipeline.

You can add rich media to job ads.

It’s not just about finding the right candidates, it’s about engaging with them and making them want to apply for your role. The right ATS will allow you to add rich media to your job ads to increase candidate engagement. For example, you might post a video about the day in the life of a radio DJ or of what it’s like to work at your organisation.

Giving your prospective applicants more insight into the role from the outset in an engaging way means that you’re more likely to have the right kind of candidate apply. More of the right kind of candidates makes it more likely that you’ll find the best talent in the biz.

You can auto-shortlist and auto-reject candidates.

Imagine if the candidates that ticked all the right boxes were automatically added to an ‘interview me’ list, or even if candidates who didn’t have the right skills or qualifications were auto-rejected. With a smart ATS, you can use answers to questionnaires, video interview transcripts, or application details to either auto-shortlist or auto-reject candidates.

As we’ve already mentioned, media is a pretty popular industry to work in, meaning that in order to spend time looking for the best talent, recruiters need to be able to quickly and effectively filter out those who aren’t right for the role. Perhaps the candidate doesn’t have enough experience or they don’t have the right qualifications. Either way, auto-rejecting will help your recruitment teams to concentrate their efforts on those top candidates.

Internal talent can come first.

Plenty of media companies have many different departments that probably don’t interact with each other on a regular basis. This means that there could be the best candidate for your role already in your company, hiding in one of your many departments. An ATS that allows you to advertise jobs internally first will not only help you to find the best talent, but will also keep your staff motivated and make them feel valued by getting the chance to apply before the role is opened up to the rest of the world.

Candidates can refer a friend and share job ads on social media.

As a recruiter in the media industry, although concentrating your efforts on advertising your job in the right places is essential, the laws of probability say that the more people that see your ad, the more likely you are to find the perfect candidate. Why not let other people do the hard work for you? An ATS with refer a friend and social integration functions will allow people to share your job ad on their own social media or even send the ad directly to a friend. It’s a win/win. Your job ad gets more exposure and you don’t have to do any more work.

Ready to go?

Tribepad is the perfect ATS to support your recruitment team. Give us a call and let us tell you how we can help you find the best talent in the media industry.

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