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How a cloud-based applicant tracking system can improve your recruitment

Tags: Recruitment Process, Recruitment Transformation

With the advent of the cloud, applicant tracking systems (ATS) have helped recruitment teams work smarter. Cloud-based technology brings a number of benefits that make it a better option than traditional recruitment software. Because they are always on and easy to maintain, they make your job easier and the process of finding and hiring talent more efficient all round.

Here at Tribepad, we see the benefits our customers get from using our own cloud-based ATS every day. We’ve put together some of the ways that your company can transform its recruitment by making the most of the cloud.

Cloud Software

Manage candidates any time and from anywhere

All you need to access a cloud-based ATS is an internet connection. You don’t have to have a specific device with you or even be in the office – it’s always on and available wherever you are.  

That means the cloud makes it easier for you to track the progress of applications. Your team always has access to the same up-to-date information and candidates can be reviewed by multiple users at the same time. Screening, shortlisting, interviewing and selecting is faster and more efficient.

An advanced ATS may feature video interviewing too, which allows you to interview candidates wherever they are in the world. Tribepad clients have seen the interviewing process duration reduce by up to 90% after using our own video interviewing software.

Collaborate effectively with your team

We know that more and more recruiters are working on mobile devices and when they are on the go. The same goes for candidates too, as 77% of job searches are now done on a mobile device.

A cloud-based ATS makes it easy for recruitment teams to collaborate from any location and on any device. Because you are always working with the latest data, it’s ideal for remote and multi-site working. Applications can be reviewed by multiple people before shortlisting, which makes it far quicker to screen applicants.

Plus, with communications tools and notifications built right into the ATS, the cloud makes working together faster and more effective.

Better user experience for candidates

A cloud-based ATS is easier to customise to the needs of your organisation. It gives you an all-in-one system packed with functionality that you can tweak and tailor to get it exactly how you want it.

This makes life easier for recruiters, but it also leads to a better user experience (UX) for candidates, which can give you a competitive edge in a busy marketplace. Applicants are likely to apply for a number of jobs at once. The easier you make your application process, the higher number of applicants you can attract for your vacancy.  

Ultimately, a cloud-based, customisable ATS leads to a user-friendly experience that will improve a candidate’s trust in your organisation’s brand.

Integrates with other software

While an advanced ATS will bring your entire recruitment process into one convenient place, you may still rely on other software for some tasks.

This is where a cloud-based system comes into its own. By being always-on and using the latest web technologies and APIs, it can work with and integrate other software. For recruiters, that means far less switching between apps and services. Instead, they each talk to and work seamlessly with each other.

Our own Tribepad ATS integrates with a range of other software that makes it far more powerful for recruiters. Those partnerships are only made possible by the cloud.  

Learn about Tribepad

Like what you’ve read? If you’re looking for an applicant management system for your company, check out our own award-winning Tribepad ATS, which is used by some of the biggest organisations in the world.

You can learn more about Tribepad ATS features and how it works or contact one of our team for an informal chat. Simply email or give us a call on 0114 3122 110.

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