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Why you need recruitment software like Tribepad

Tags: Recruitment Marketing, Recruitment Process, Recruitment Transformation

Tribepad’s recruitment software is a game-changer for faster, fairer, better healthcare recruitment. Here’s why. 

You didn’t choose a career in healthcare recruitment because you wanted an easy life. But now feels like an especially tough time, doesn’t it?! 

  • Chronic staff shortages
  • Escalating demand
  • Rising recruitment costs
  • High turnover
  • Mental health pressure
  • Resource reduction
  • Clinical teams with ever-less bandwidth
  • … and so on and on and on… 


The list of healthcare recruitment challenges is as long as your arm. And there’s lots you can’t do much about. You can’t make more students enter healthcare or change immigration policy. You can’t turn back time on an aging population.

But there’s lots you can do too. 

The right healthcare recruitment technology makes a huge difference to building a faster, fairer, better recruitment process. One that delivers people your patients can rely on.

Just ask HCRG Care Group, who used Tribepad’s healthcare recruitment software to increase applications by 47% and reduce application time by 1/3. Or Well Pharmacy, who saw an 150% increase in applications for hard-to-fill roles and accelerated time-to-offer by 35%. 

Let’s talk about three ways the right recruitment software helps recruiters answer today’s toughest challenges. 


1 – It leaves candidates smiling

For many healthcare organisations, the recruitment process is still clunky, slow, and exasperating for candidates. (That’s especially true for NHS Trusts who’re still relying on outdated application processes…).

This makes talent shortages worse, by:

  • Increasing incomplete applications
  • Damaging your reputation, putting off future applicants
  • Slowing time-to-hire so candidates accept offers elsewhere 
  • Losing great hires who drop-off during onboarding


Good healthcare recruitment software combats this with a fast, inclusive, accessible, and convenient application, assessment, and onboarding process. So you can build a candidate experience that cares. 

With Tribepad, your candidates can create a profile, upload a CV, and apply to your stand-out beautifully branded, multimedia job in under two minutes. They’ll hear back instantly, thanks to our automated comms, and can track their application through a handy portal. 

Easy application; easy comms; easy connected assessments; easy references and checks; easy onboarding. It’s a breath of fresh air. And probably a radical improvement to what they’re trawling through now, both for roles with your organisation and elsewhere.

Tribepad has made my job as a recruiter a million times better and provided a fantastic candidate experience.

Laura Purvis
Head of Resourcing & Talent, Signature

2 – It gives your recruiters hours back each day

We’ve heard plenty of recruitment horror stories in our time. 

  • Manually posting and removing hundreds of jobs 
  • Trawling through thousands of unsuitable applications
  • Great candidates forgotten about in various no-man-lands
  • Whole days lost to scheduling and rescheduling interviews
  • Having to process thousands of candidates one-by-one-by-one
  • Spending more time chasing hiring managers than chatting to candidates
  • Starting early, staying late and still not getting through the day’s to-do
  • Waiting weeks to hear from developers to make basic process changes
  • … and lots more besides


Here’s the thing: recruitment isn’t an admin job. Or at least, with the right healthcare recruitment technology, it shouldn’t be. 

We’re lucky to work with many brilliantly talented, inspiring, people people who could be huge assets to their organisation – if they’re empowered to be. Great healthcare recruitment software helps your recruiters shine, by removing the manual admin stuff so they can focus where it matters.


With Tribepad, you get:

  • Secure mobile dashboards for managers and agencies 
  • Templates for all your jobs, contracts, emails, processes
  • Easy drag-and-drop builders to make changes yourself
  • Automated job distribution and integrated posting to NHS jobs 
  • Bulk actions to speed up candidate processing
  • Self-book interview slots for candidates
  • Automated processes and action reminders
  • Integration to Employee Staff Record and DBS
  • Smart contract, reference and check management
  • Automated scoring and shortlisting candidates 
  • Easy, engaging reporting across your process

So your talented team can focus on activities that do more to move the needle.

We used to have a horrible system that nobody would use. It was slow and messy, and the candidate experience was poor. Nothing was tracked. CVs were flying everywhere and there was no visibility over KPIs and metrics. It was terrible value for money.

With Tribepad, we’ve been able to modernise our processes and give recruiters the tools they need at the touch of a button. It’s much more engaging for everyone.”

Paul Lundbeck
People Services Director, HCRG Care Group

3 – It decreases clinical time recruiting

You’re hiring because your workforce is stretched too thin – but recruitment often stretches the workforce even thinner, taking up clinical time. How do you solve that paradox? 

With recruitment software designed to minimise managers’ recruitment burden, of course 👀. Whatever your recruitment model, managers’ involvement should be simple, streamlined, and mobile. With great overarching visibility, to stop recruitment being a black box filled with grey areas. 

Tribepad gives managers a secure, intuitive in-your-pocket mobile app for recruitment, with heaps of features to make their lives easier and keep them effortlessly compliant. 

  • Less time chasing managers – tick
  • Less time worrying about compliance – tick
  • Less clinical time recruiting – tick

Just better relationships, better collaboration, and better hiring. Sounds good to us.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how positive manager feedback has been about Tribepad, particularly around how easy the system is to use. Of course it’s a journey to change managers’ behaviours – but Tribepad has been ideal because everyone now has to follow the right process. My audit and compliance manager is much happier now!

Jo Riley
Resourcing Manager, Well Pharmacy

Tribepad is the trusted tech ally to smart(er) recruiters everywhere. Trusted by private and NHS healthcare organisations like Bupa, Signature, British Medical Association, GCRG Care Group, Turning Point, NHS Professionals and Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, 25-million people in 16 languages use Tribepad.

To learn more about choosing healthcare recruitment software that’ll answer your biggest day-to-day challenges, download our buyer’s guide. 

Or get in touch with our team here. 

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